Cyber Risk Quantification

Cyber Risk Quantification



On-Site and Virtual

Dependant on
scope of work


Do you know the financial value of your cyber risk exposures?

Cyber Risk Quantification (CRQ) is the process of assessing and measuring the potential financial impact of cyber threats and vulnerabilities on your organisation.

CRQ provides a clear and quantifiable understanding of the risks associated with cyber incidents. This helps organisations make better informed decisions about cybersecurity investments, risk management strategies, and insurance coverage.

ZRS specialises in quantifying your organisations risk exposure to cyber events that help inform decisions on what cyber controls and defences to invest in. Using our expertise and historical risk data alongside our powerful threat simulation engine, we define your organisation’s risk exposure to the different cyber loss scenarios. We can then model the impact of implementing specific controls to demonstrate the benefits.


How It Works

Zurich Risk Advisor

Zurich Risk Advisor can help you identify business risks

Our specialists can set up your company account and help you get started


Solution Provider




Zurich Resilience Solutions (ZRS) was created to address a rapidly changing risk landscape, with a new, truly holistic approach to supporting your risk management and helping you to build your resilience. Combining our close relationship and in-depth knowledge of your operations with our industry expertise, ZRS is a key exponent of our promise to build a brighter future together, with existing and new customers.

You do not need to be insured by Zurich to benefit from our solutions.

Our risk engineers and consultants design and deliver solutions for customers across a range of industries and global locations to help organisations identify and manage risk exposures. Tailored to your organisation and working with you, we build a package of services to help you best manage your risks and build resilience. In addition, we partner with specialist third parties to ensure you are working with the most in-depth expertise.